Problem Statement As a business or freelancer, need simple interface to generate invoices, maintain product catalog and customer details for everyone.

    • Many invoice generation platforms
    • Dealing with multiple currencies and languages
    • Support for different taxes
    • Many features related to Invoice
    • Provides summary of the payment collection
    • Difficult and time consuming to set up business and customers
    • Confusing user interface and unclear process flow
    • Too many modules makes users confused
    • User only understand complete features from Invoice page only
    • Too much focus on various templates and customizations
    • Time consuming and Re-work till generating an Invoice
    • Missing Mobile-friendly User Interface
    • Consistency of the information
    • Performance
    • Identify and Remove the Noice for better clarity
    • Focused on simple UI/UX with Flowbite (tailwind css)
    • Use i18n library for supporting multiple languages through out the platform
    • Simple PDF template to conclude the invoice
    • Maintaining Invoice status and Payment status
    • Realtime Dashboard to understand Total/Due/Paid amount using Hotwire
    • 10 lines of concept to actual customer ready platform in 3 weeks
    • Database Design to cover core features
    • User interface planning based on Flowbite
    • Validations and Notifications
    • PDF generation and Email attachments
    • i18n supported Text content throughout the platform

Visual Guide

a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

  • #3f3f46

  • Concept to Deliver in 3 Weeks
  • Supporting multiple businesses by one user
  • 2 mins – from Sign Up to an Invoice(Branding/PDF/Email/Taxes)
  • Create product catalog of 1000’s of items
  • Create Items and Customers from the Invoice

Quote Icon Based on 10 lines of concept, TechCompose team picked up the soul and in 3 milestones with 3 demos in 3 weeks, I am running my platform’s phase 1. The platform is as clean and functional as any enterprise solution out there. This is my 3rd project with TechCompose and they always involve and listen which reflects in the solutions they develop. 

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